A few days ago, Turkey went to the Polls. Throughout the centuries elites in the Ottoman Empire, renamed Turkey, deployed Islam and its divine writings as the primary source for the legitimization of the social relationships between the rulers and the ruled, though there emerged some sub-cultures like Bektashism which answered to the worldly problems of the peasant populations. We will thus start with the ideological consequences of this, and the rise of nationalism (Atta Turk) as the successor of imperial religious order based on orthodox Islam. Because today’s problems (example today's election) in Turkey, such as secularism versus political Islam, are inexorably linked to those centuries long contradictory developments within the peoples’ common sense. Starting today hence, we  present our  just completed investigation: The Secret Background From Ottoman Ideology to Today’s Islamic Party in Turkey and Beyond. Evolving Turkey P.1:

As expected the Islamist-rooted AKP made a clear victory during the elections, as is now official. From Ottoman Ideology to Today’s Islamic Party in Turkey and Beyond. Evolving Turkey P.2:

From Ottoman Ideology to Today’s Islamic Party in Turkey and Beyond. Evolving Turkey P.3:

Since the developments we next will be covering in the case of Turkey didn’t happen in a vacuum, it is important that we first present what could be said to be a postscript to our earlier  part 1, and 2 excursions into Globalization. This time pointing to the development of modern economics. From Ottoman Ideology to Today’s Islamic Party in Turkey and Beyond. Evolving Turkey P.4:

After delving into the global dynamics that paved the way for the emergence of neo-liberalism transnationally, and how it aligned itself with the Islamic movement in the Middle East through the coalescence of the interests of U.S. imperialism and Saudi Wahabism, our next focus will be how in Turkey the Islamist movement continued  to assert its political power. From Ottoman Ideology to Today’s Islamic Party in Turkey and Beyond.  Evolving Turkey P.5:

The Turkish parliament furthermore elected a former Islamist as the staunchly secularist republic's 11th president. Conclusion and Bibliography.


Oct. 3, 2007: Admitting it harmed Turkey's bid to join the EU Mr Gul told the 47-nation Council of Europe in Strasbourg that he expected the AK Party, would be willing to review the current law for insulting Turkish identity. Nobel-laureate writer Orhan Pamuk and slain journalist Hrant Dink are among the many people tried under Article 301. The law has in particular been used to prosecute writers and journalists who argued that Turkey was the scene of a genocide against Armenians in the early 20th Century. Although Mr.Gull officially rejects the view that the Armenians deaths can be classed as genocide and were a political necessity.

Case Study: Parallel to the above research we investigated the impact of contested national identity on both Turkish and Japanese foreign policies, and why. Continue...

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