Initially there were two cultures with the skill of writing, next door to each other in the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf: Sumer, the Biblical 'land of Shin`ar' at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and Elam, across the marshes to the east, between the Zagros mountains and the sea. Each was not so much a state as a gathering of towns and villages of people speaking a common language. The origins of Sumerian are quite unknown; Elamite, however, appears to be related to Dravidian, and also linked with Brahui, still spoken by over 2 million in the west of Pakistan, and many more languages spoken in central and southern India.

Ancient Globalization


In the Beginning

The combined impact of orbital change and amplifying mechanisms has been the see-sawing of climate from glacial to interglacial and back every 100,000 years, often with an extraordinarily rapid switch from one state to another. The global warming that brought the ice age to its close created localities of abundant resource which people claimed as their own and were prepared to fight for, such as in the Nile valley at 14,000 Bc, northern Australia at 6000 Bc and southern Scandinavia at 5000 BC. Click to enter:

Twenty thousand years B.C., from left to right excavations at: Nile valley (1980), Kenia (1993) Sea of Galilee (1999)

Genes or Behavior?

If we have reached a point at which we can live within Earth's carrying capacity, we can eliminate warfare in the same way we can eliminate infectious disease: not perfectly, not immediately, but slowly and surely. Climatic desiccation centered around 5000 years BP played a major role in the emergence of  civilizations. The rise of Dynastic civilization in Egypt coincided with the onset of widespread Saharan desiccation, and  the northward expansion. And while Mesopotamia was experiencing fragmentation at a time of unity in early Dynastic Egypt, complex urban societies emerge in other parts of the world in the early fifth millennium, for example in the Indus Valley region and the Supe Valley of Peru. But there is more. The Archeology of Worldwide War and Peace.

They Built the First Temples:

The Earliest States

The following section grew out of the observation that neo-evolutionists erroneously restricted comparisons to finding representative of stages of organizations (e.g. of chiefdoms), and archaeologists justified their choice of comparisons by linking these explicitly to the analysis of data within a structure of archaeological theory. And although it is important to include comparisons of developmental sequences, such investigations must include appraisals of what social changes occurred, and most importantly understand the past on its own terms, insofar as this can be imagined:

Truth In History: Inventing Archeology

Archaeology has often been used in different parts of the world to support nationalist, colonialist, and imperialist claims, with horrifying results. There does not seem to be a way to exclude religion and politics from archaeology, which is after all a social science and hence political and partial. We will start with a particularly  example, the Middle East and  the Holy Land, where Archaeology  has been used to serve modern political goals, including laying claims to the land and denying the claims and narratives of the other side.

Case Study: Archeology of the Middle East Today

Levantine Neandertals and the Skhul/Qafzeh humans, Figurines in the Middle East, Mesopotamia, and the Bible as narrative. Imperial Ideas, Critical Evaluation of Hypotheses, Concepts of Time, Mounts, Texts and Representations.
