Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P2.

Hitler’s first “3e Reich” Minister of Foreign Affairs, Konstantin von Neurath during questionings at Nurnberg 1946 claimed he had tried to temper Hitler’s Russian anti-Communism. But Hitler so Neurath rebuffed him by claiming this anti-Communism is what keeps the (Nazi) party together. However at that time Hitler apparently did not tell Neurath over his secret vision to murder all Jews. (1)

Goebbels 's diary entries of 15 November 1936 and 30 November 1937 clearly read:

“The Jews must get out of Germany, yes out of the whole of Europe. That will still take some time. But it will and must happen. The Fuhrer is firmly decided on it.” (2)

The word “decided” indicate there must have been some sort of plan that existed several years before WWII started.

And further to the topic of this article series on SESN, like his highly valued collaborator Rosenberg and Hitler, Dietrich Eckart also supported nationalist (White) Russian/German collaboration. In an article in a February 1920 edition of Auf gut deutsch that warned of the Bolshevik peril. Eckart posited: "that Germany and Russia are dependent upon each other is not open to any doubt," with the stipulation that Germans had to seek connections with the "Russian people" and not with its "current Jewish regime." (3) Eckart like Hitler thus made a distinction., between Jewish leaders in the Soviet Union and the oppressed Russian people.

Scheubner- Richter, the mastermind of Aufbau and ultimately National Socialist foreign and domestic policy maker, claimed that the Russian and German Empires had possessed "no serious conflict" before World War I, having "soared high above" all other countries."(4)

In the last lead editorial that he wrote for Aufbau-Korrespondenz, -On the Fifih Anniversary of the Revolution," which was released on November 9, 1923. the day he was shot while marching at Hitler's side in the Hitler/Ludendorff Putsch. ScheubnerRichter stressed that the Aufbau Vereinigung had always operated on the principle that "the national Germany and the national Russia must find a common path for the future, and that it is therefore necessary that the voelkisch circles of both countries already meet today." (5) Scheubner-Richter tirelessly stressed the fundamentally complementary natures of Germans and Russians down to his death.

As we have seen earlier it was considered in the above context, that the (real, upper class) Russians where “Aryans” just like the Germans, all the way to the upper class of India and Tibet. (6)

Hitler in his notes for an August 1921 oration also placed Russians on the same basic level as Germans, writing of "creative working" people with the note, "Aryans, Germans, Russians." (7)

Rosenberg wrote in a similarly pro-Russian manner as above in a February 1921 article in Auf gut deutsch, stressing that national Russia needed to draw upon the "old Slavic force that is related to the Germanic one." He asserted: " right now chaos and force are struggling on the Russian plains from the Gulf of Finland to the mountains of the Caucasus. The future will depend on this decision." Here Rosenberg placed the fight against Bolshevism in the very center of world events, and then he offered a highly favorable comparison between Germans and Russians, claiming that "by nature, through their eternal searching for the light ,... Russians and Germans are the noblest peoples of Europe.”(8)

Not surprisingly , Rosenberg advocated German/Russian cooperation against Jewish interests in his early writings. In a January 1921 article in Auf gut deutsch, he credited Zionist leaders in Imperial Russia with helping to overthrow Tsar Nikolai If "just at the moment when he thought of making peace with Germany." He asserted that Jewish forces in league with Freemasonry were presently sowing discord so that the German and Russian peoples "bleed each other to death," setting the stage for a "Jewish dictatorship" to rule over both of them. Rosenberg expressed the hope that knowledge of these Jewish machinations would lead to the creation of a "German- Russian national (that is, anti-Jewish) united (9)

In an April 1923 oration, Hitler asserted of the Germans and Russian peoples that

they had originally been "friendly towards each other" and that "not the German had a

reason or the mobilization against Russia of 1914, "but the Jew." (10) The German Kaiser at war with Russia, during WWI together with financial help, put, the non-Jew, Lenin on a train and led him into Russia to start the Russian revolution.

In fact Hitler asserted that "liberalism, our press, the stock market, and Freemasonry" together represented nothing but "Instrument[s] of the Jews"

As a dichotomy to all of this , himself killed many Jews, including millions people all over the USSR, bringing the total to as much or even more, then the Holocaust taking place at the same time. Stalin was also responsible for the start of the cold war with the USA, in the accused by Hitler as an instrument of American finance and Freemasonry…

Hitler's assertion of a Jewish “Dolchstoss legende” (stab in the back), first promoted by General Ludendorff, expanded to include nationalist Russians as well as Germans appeared on the front page of a May 1923 edition of Aufbau-Korrespondenz.

Hitler continued to express a view of history whereby Jews pitted Germans and Russians against each other after 1923. As witnessed in his unpublished 1928 sequel to Mein Kampf. He argued of "the Jew's" drive to dominate the European peoples that he -methodically agitates for world war" with the aim of "the destruction of inwardly anti-Semitic Russia as well as the destruction of the German Reich. which in administration and the army still offered resistance to the Jew." (11)

In July 1920, before Aufbau's inception even, Hitler stressed that "our deliverance will never come from the West. We must seek friendship with national, anti-Semitic Russia. Not with the Soviets ,the Jew rules there. He reiterated this basic view in an April 1922 oration, calling on the "Russian people to shake off their tormentors, meaning the Jews, after which Germans could "get closer" to the Russians. (12)


P.1 Hitler's Secret "Protocols" P.1
P.2 Hitler's Secret "Protocols" P.2
P.3 Hitler’s Source P.1
P.4 Hitler’s Source P.2
P.5 The German Kaiser's Confident P.1
P.6 The German Kaiser's Confident P.2
P.7 The Ideologists and First Financiers of Hitler P.1
P.8 The Ideologists and First Financiers of Hitler P.2
P.9 Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and White Russian Creators of Nazi Ideology, P.1
P.10 Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and White Russian Creators of Nazi Ideology, P.2
P.11 The "Final" Solution Before WWII, P.1
P.12 The "Final" Solution Before WWII, P.2
P.13 Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.1
P.14 Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.2
P.15 Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.3


1) Martin Broszat: Motivation und Führer-Bindung. In: Viertel-jahresheft Zeitgeschichte (1970) 18, S. 392-409 (Zitat: S. 400).

2) http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/books/story/0,10595,627754,00.html

3) Eckart, "Die Schlacht auf den Katalaunischen Feldern.-.4uj'gut dmisch. February 20. 1920.

4) Scheubner-Richter,Ruckblicke und Parallelen- Aufbau-Korresponden:. July 19. 1922.

5) Scheubner-Richier. -Zum funften Jahrestag der Revolution." Aufbau-Korresponden:. November 9. 1923. 1.

6) ....splan.html

7) Hitler, notes for speech on August 12. 192 1. Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen. 453.

8) Rosenberg. "Das Verbrechen der Freimaurerei: Judenturn. Jesuitismus. deutsches Chnstenrum: VIII, Auf gut deutsch, February 28, 1921.

9) Rosenberg. "Das Verbrechen der Freimaurerei: IV. Freimaurerei und Judentum," Auf gut deutsch, January 15, 192 1.

10) Hitler, Die Urschuldigen am Weltkriege: Weltjude und Weltboerse, Voelkischer Beobachter, April 15,16. 1923. 1.

11) Hitler, HitIers Zweites Buch, 22, 1.

12) Hitler, Speech on July 21, 1920, SaemtIiche Aufzeichnungen, 163.

13)Hitler, Speech on April 21, 1922, Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen, 631.


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