Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and the White Russian Influence on Nazi Ideology, P.2

Hitler, who relied greatly upon White Russians from like Eckart, Aufbau, and Scheubner-Richter's advice, with regard to both domestic and foreign affairs, repeatedly spoke of the theme espoused by Aufbau and Eckart that Jewish finance capitalism stood behind socialism in general and Bolshevism in particular. In a June 1922 speech, he attributed the perils that faced Germany to the East and the West to Jewish capital. Similar to the above, Hitler claimed that -Chinese henchmen in Moscow and black ones on the Rhine stand as cultural guardians of Jewish capitalism. (1)

In Mein Kampf, he wrote of Bolshevism in "Russia" as a means "to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people."(2) In his unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf from 1928 which he primarily dealt with foreign policy matters, he asserted, "the national White Russia fought against the Jewish-international-capitalist Red Revolution," (3)

Aufbau's views that the Jews used Bolshevism for the purposes of capitalist exploitation thus not only found expression in Hitler's early speeches, but in his later ideological works as well.

During the time of his close political collaboration with Aufbau, Hitler often spoke of circumstances inside of the Soviet Union to back his claims of Jewish finance capitalism lurking behind Bolshevism. stressing that the National Socialist Parly firmly believed that the gathering Bolshevik revolution in Germany "will not concern a struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, for, as in Russia, both will become the slaves of him who has seduced the one and led the other, the Jew.” (4)

By 1923, Hitler had thoroughly internalized Aufbau’s and the people around it, assertions, of the nature of socialism and its most aggressive variant Bolshevism as mere tools of Jewish finance capitalism to enslave European peoples…

In his racial ideology of Jews versus "Aryans," Hitler drew upon voelkisch ideology, plus internalized the convictions of the circles around Aufbau, that not only did Jewish financers back Bolshevism, the Bolshevik regime represented an almost strictly Jewish undertaking: Scheubner-Richter asserted that approximately 80% to 90% of Soviet Commissars were Jews… On one occasion, he asserted that the -outrageous terror" in the former Russian Empire represented the "revenge of the Jews against the Russian people. (5)

And claimed that "the greatest danger that threatens Germany is not the black and white French, but Jewish Bolshevism.” (6) Even at the time of French/Belgian occupation of the Ruhr, Scheubner- Richter stressed the primacy of the "Jewish Bolshevik" peril.

Vinberg offered precise figures of the nature of "Jewish Bolshevism," claimed in his book “Der Kreuzesweg Russlands” that 545 people exercised dictatorial control over "Russia," of which 447 were Jews. (7)

Notes that Hitler made for a November 1922 speech demonstrate Vinberg's influence over his thinking on the "Jewish question." Hitler cited "Vinberg" [sic] to the effect that the Soviet Union represented a "Jewish state." (8)

In addition to arguing in the pages of Eckart’s newspaper “Auf gut deutsch” that approximately 90% of Soviet Commissars were Jews, Vinberg's ideological comrade and Nazi ideologist Rosenberg, wrote In the Voelkischer Bcobachter in August 1921 that "the names of all the Jewish executioners are available, of 550 governmental Commissars,... 457 are Jews!” (9)

Eckart asserted in February 1920 that out of , 422 of the 457 Soviet Commissars were Jewish. (10) In a November 1920 article in Auf gut deutsch. Eckart cited a British source that placed the current figures at 574 Soviet Commissars, of whom 466 were Jews. (11)

Hitler, similarly claimed in an August 1920 speech that of 478 Soviet delegates, 430 were Jews. (12)

In addition to calling for a nationalist German-Russian alliance, Aufbau acted as a terrorist organization. Aufbau placed a death contract on Aleksandr Kerenskii, the former head of the 1917 Provisional Government in Russia.  Aufbau also attempted to murder the Russian Constitutional Democratic leader Pavel Miliukov, but they accidentally killed another prominent Constitutional Democrat, Vladimir Nabokov, instead. At least three Aufbau members with ties to the NSDAP, colluded in the most shocking assassination of the Weimar Republic, that of Germany's Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. In these last two crimes, Aufbau members collaborated with Captain Ehrhardt's Organization C, a conspiratorial far right association based in Munich that engaged in terrorism, coordinated anti-Weimar Republic and anti-Bolshevik military preparations, and maintained close ties with the National Socialist Party.

As we shall later see, in addition to scheming with National Socialists to overthrow the Soviet Union, Aufbau helped to guide National Socialist efforts to topple the Weimar Republic through the means of paramilitary force. Hitler's closest advisor in fact was the head of Aufbau, played a key role in the preparations for a rightwing putsch against the Weimar Republic that was to be launched from Bavaria under the leadership of Hitler and Ludendorff. In late 1922 and 1923, the leader of Aufbau collaborated with Hitler and General Ludendorff to lead various paramilitary groupings that finally coalesced into the Kampfbund (Combat League), which displayed increasing militancy towards the Weimar Republic. National Socialist and Aufbau anti-Weimar Republic cooperation climaxed in the disastrous Hitler/ Ludendorff Putsch of November 1923, which the head of Aufbau had goaded Hitler to launch.


Hitler's introduction to anti-Semitic White Russian thought

Introduction: A Russian Connection

In this series of lectures I will discuss a number of early influences on the rise of Hitler and the early Nazi party.

Hitler's Secret "Protocols" P.1
The Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion,  were not fabricated in Paris, but within Imperial Russia between April 1902 and August 1903. The earliest versions of the Protocols contain pronounced Ukrainian features, whereas later ones were given French overtones in order to lend them the appearance of credible accounts from abroad.

Hitler's Secret "Protocols" P.2
General Vladimir Biskupskil, who went on to collaborate closely with Hitler in the context of the Aufbau Vereinigung in postwar Munich, played a leading role in the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. "Conservative revolutionaries" in Imperial Germany and Russia established detailed anti-Western, anti-Semitic ideologies in the months leading up to the Bolshevik Revolution. The largely internally-orientated voelkisch model focused on alleged Germanic racial and spiritual superiority through a heightened capacity to negate the will heroically, whereas the more externally- fixated Russian version offered apocalyptic visions of concrete political struggle between Russians at the head of all Slavs and perceived Jewish world-conspirators.

Hitler’s Source P.1
The Protocols did provide anti-Semitic arguments that strongly influenced the ideology of the National Socialist movement, going through 33 editions by the time Hitler came to power and becoming the most widely-distributed work in the world after the Bible. The National Socialist regime did not reprint the Protocols after the outbreak of World War II, though, perhaps precisely due to the Protocols' parallels with both brutal National Socialist occupation policies in Eastern Europe and public pacification efforts domestically.

Hitler’s Source P.2
Anticipating Tsarist pretender Kirill's arrival in Germany, General Ludendorff worked to establish an intelligence service for Kirill in early April 1922. He asked Walther Nicolai, who had served him as the head of the German Army High Command Intelligence Service during World War one, to use his considerable experience and connections to establish a reliable pro-Kirill intelligence service for the struggle against Bolshevism.

The German Kaiser's Confident P.1
By 1937 the NSDAP, the Wehrmacht, and, to a lesser extent, German society accepted Ludendorffs ideology. In the regime and the Wehrmacht he had tacit allies who helped to legitimize and propagate Deutsche Gotterkenntnis. Those who sympathized with him and his ideology existed at all levels of the Nazi hierarchy. Although today he may be forgotten, and although his memorial shrine in Tutzing may be neglected, Erich Ludendorff was one of the most important Germans of the twentieth century.

The German Kaiser's Confident P.2
The Ludendorffs (now Hohe Warte) advocated a return to traditional rural German culture since they believed that the demands of modem capitalist society had tom the German people from the soil, causing them to forget their heritage and ensuring their submission to finance and industrial capital. The Ludendorffs' ideology paralleled similar intellectual developments among Conservative Revolutionaries.

The Ideologists and First Financiers of Hitler P.1
Before the establishment of the “Aufbau” Vereinigung in late 1920, the collaboration between Eckart and Rosenberg in the context of Eckhart’s Newspaper In Plain German.” Formed the crux of the fusion between voelkisch-redemptive German and White Russian world conspiratonial-apocalyptic anti-Semitic thought, where "positive" notions of Germanic spiritual and racial superiority fused with more negative visions of impending "Jewish Bolshevik" destruction supported by Jewish finance capitalists.

The Ideologists and First Financiers of Hitler P.2
By 1923, Hitler had thoroughly internalized Aufbau’s and the people around it, assertions, of the nature of socialism and its most aggressive variant Bolshevism as mere tools of Jewish finance capitalism to enslave European peoples…

Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and the White Russian Influence on Nazi Ideology, P.1
The ensuing military conflagration, Eckart continued, had led to the destruction of Imperial Russia so that "Jewish Bolshevism" could take root there. He also warned that there would arise "from the Neva to the Rhine, on the bloody ruins of the previous national traditions, a single Jewish empire.

Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and the White Russian Influence on Nazi Ideology, P.2
Hitler in his unpublished 1928 sequel to Mein Kampf, further expounded upon the Aufbau/Eckartian theme of the "Jewish Bolshevik" annihilation of the leading elements of Russian society as a precedent for further Jewish atrocities. He argued that "Jewry exterminated the previous foreign upper strata with the help of Slavic racial instincts."

The "Final" Solution Before WWII, P.1
Hitler continued to express a view of history whereby Jews pitted Germans and Russians against each other after 1923. As witnessed in his unpublished 1928 sequel to Mein Kampf. He argued of "the Jew's" drive to dominate the European peoples that he -methodically agitates for world war" with the aim of "the destruction of inwardly anti-Semitic Russia as well as the destruction of the German Reich. which in administration and the army still offered resistance to the Jew."

The "Final" Solution Before WWII, P.2
That which Jewry once planned against Germany and all peoples of Europe. this must (Jewry) itself suffer today, and responsibility before the history of European culture demands that we do not carry out this fateful separation (Schicksalstrennung) with sentimentality and weakness, but with clear, rational awareness and firm determination.” (Rosenberg 1941 press release dealing with his public assumption of the position of  State Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories.)

Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.1
Like the mystical inclined author Sergei Nilus, who had played a crucial role in popularizing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vinberg viewed Jews as a satanic force.

Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.2
Hitler asserted that "liberalism, our press, the stock market, and Freemasonry" together represented nothing but "Instrument[s] of the Jews."

Early Nazis and the Mystical Connection P.3
By the time of Ludendorfrs death, Deutsche Gotterkenninis had become for Nazis a legitimate Weltanschauung. Ludendorff's vision of a totalitarian society unified in the face of external and internal threats was nearly identical to the Weltanschauung of Nazism.


1) Hitler. Speech on June 22. 1922. Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen. 645.

2) Hitler. Mein Kampf trans. Ralph Mannheim, 1943, 326.

3) Hitler. Hitlers Zweites Buch: Ein Dokument aus dem Jahr 1928 (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 1961), 153. 154.

4) Hitler, speech on January 18. 1923. Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen, 796.

5) Scheubner-Richter. "Nansen verteidigt den Bolschewismus," Aufbau-Korrespondenz. April 19. 1923. 4.

6) Scheubner-Richter. "Der BoIschewismus sprungbereit!." Aufbau-Korrespondenz. September 29. 1923. 2.

7) Vinberg, Der Kreueszug Russlands. 5, 20. 26, 28.

8) Hitler. notes for speech on November 2, 1922. Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen. 713,

9) Rosenberg, "Hochverrat der deutschen Zionisten auf Grund ihrer eigenen Eingestaendnisse.” Auf gut deutsch. March 31. 1921; Rosenberg. "Der Pogrom am deutschen und am russischen Volke.” Voelkischer Beobachter. August 4. 1921. 3.

10) Eckart, "Die Schlacht auf den Katalaunischen Feldern.” Auf gut deutch. February 20. 1920. 12.

11) Eckart. "*Jewry ueber alles.” Auf gut duetsch, November 26, 1920.

12) Hitler. Speech on August 6. 1920. Saemtliche Aufzeichnungen, 172.



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