technologies is one of the issues that played a role and for example served to
intensify relations among Anglo-Americans and indigenous populations. The 1820s
and 1830s witnessed the economies and technological transformations that
historians have coined the "market economy" and "Industrial
Revolution," respectively. The right to compete for advancement in the
marketplace became the touchstone of American “freedom" during this
period. The 1994 Rwandan genocide finally changed the way in which we think
genocide occurs because it encompassed hatreds that rested on colonial
resentments, revenge massacres since 1962, assassinations of political elites,
gender and reproduction, and mystifications. The latter also had in common with
the Nazi Genocide that a leading motive was a conspiracy theory.
The stigmatization of
the involvement in the French Revolution of the common people - has endured
throughout most of the past two hundred years. Those who stood out against this
trend tended to do so, during the nineteenth century, by idealising
popular action into that of `the People' viewed at a comfortably abstract
distance, and during the twentieth century by adopting a Marxist vocabulary and
perspective that in its own way was just as idealising.
This focused on the supposedly progressive stance of certain groups, and the
importance of perceptibly modern social classes such as wage-earners and
property-owning peasants, rather than artisans, sharecroppers or migrant labourers. In immediate political terms, however, the
French Revolution was a failure. A decade of conflict, both external and
internecine, ended with a lapse into military dictatorship that prolonged the
external war through another fifteen years, before returning the throne to the
brother of the man who had held it in 1789. Internal and external struggles
across that whole generation cost Europe well over a million casualties.
However not only the
French Revolution, but colonial encounters as we further will see, up to WWI
and the Nazi Holocaust, exemplified how artificial classifications between
groups of people, even if their preexisting similarities are clearly more
dominant, may be "naturalized" through the use of propaganda. And, as
globalizing technologies allow for easier and rapid transmission of
misinformation, these "naturalized" perceptions of the
"other" group produce and/or intensify political, social, and
economic cleavages which carry the potential for genocide.
In the wake of Michel
Foucault, numerous historians have analyzed the process by which, in the course
of the nineteenth century, the "punitive festival"of
execution before the French Revolution replaced by the Guillotine, came
also the secret executions, out of sight of the public, and by the rise
of the prison as a place of confinement, a laboratory for developing
"techniques for the coercion of individuals" unknown up until
then." The principle of confinement was now forced upon Western societies.
Alongside the introduction of modern prisons came the creation of institutions
of forced labor for "lazy vagabonds," the poor, the marginal, and
prostitutes-and, at the time of the Industrial Revolution, even for children.
During the first half of the nineteenth century Great Britain built a vast
network of "workhouses" in which hundreds of thousands of people were
Other changes were
also introduced at this time. Barracks, no longer the preserve of an
aristocratic military elite, were adapted to the needs of modern armies, the
armies of the democratic age, the full power of which had been demonstrated by
the mass levying of troops of 1793. Factories, around which new towns were
built, sprang up with impressive speed. These prisons, barracks, and factories
were all dominated by the same principle of enclosure, the same imposition of
discipline upon time and bodies, the same rational division and mechanization
of labor, a social hierarchy, and the same submission of bodies to machines.
Each of these institutions testified to the degradation of work and bodies that
was an inherent feature of capitalism. The entire existence of the Nazi
concentration camps in fact was also marked by a constant tension between work
and extermination.
Nineteenth century
Europe was truly convinced that it was accomplishing a civilizing mission in
Asia and Africa. At the time of decolonization, the imperialist culture was
stigmatized, violently rejected, and subsequently forgotten; it never became
the subject of in-depth analysis, and today remains still largely repressed.
Yet the intelligibility of the twentieth century would be considerably enhanced
if that amnesia lifted, for then the link between National Socialism and
classic imperialism would no longer be obscured as it is at present. To several
analysts of the thirties and forties, however, it was certainly perfectly
clear. Ernst Junger was reading Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness as a
Wehrmacht officer in Paris in 1942. Contemporary events conferred a definite
topicality upon this tale about the colonization of the Congo, which described
"the switch from a civilizing optimism to total bestiality." In his
diary, Junger noted that the story's hero had "recognized the strains of
the overture to our century."
Also bureaucracy
played a crucial, role in the genocide of the Jews of Europe. The extermination
process relied on the bureaucracy as its essential organ of transmission and
execution. The wissenschaftliche Soldaten
or "soldiers of science," as the Third Reich dubbed statisticians,
neither conceived nor were responsible for Nazi policy, but they were its
instru¬ment.64 It was the bureaucracy that organized the application of the
Nuremberg Laws, the census of the Jews and the partial Jews, the expropriation of
Jewish property within the framework of measures for the
"Aryanization" of the economy, the herding of Jews into ghettos and
their subsequent deportation, the management of the concentration camps and the
killing centers. This bureaucratic apparatus played an essential role in the
implementation of Nazi crimes without ever calling into question the
charismatic radicalization of the regime. The mechanism of Nazi decision making
underwent major changes during the war, moving from the passing of laws (Nuremberg,
1935) to the issuing of written but not published directives and finally to
giving oral orders (for setting the gas chambers in operation). But even when
it had abandoned the practice of legal formalization, Nazism still needed a
modern, efficient, and rational bureaucracy. Once the killing centers were in
operation, following the wave of massacres that had accompanied the blitzkrieg
in the East, this army of executives welded to their desks became the heart of
the system for destroying the Jews. The propaganda and publicity for the first
anti-Semitic measures taken against the Jews (the autos-646, the Nuremberg
Laws, the Aryanization of the economy, and the pogroms of the Kristallnacht)
were replaced by the coded language of the operations of extermination, which
was strictly based on administrative jargon, according to which the murder was
referred to as the Final Solution (Endlosung), the
executions were "special treatment" (Sonderbehandlung),
and the gas chambers were "special installations" (Spezialeinrichtungen). The bureaucracy was the instrument
of Nazi violence, and that instrument was an authentic product of what must be
called the civilizing process (an expression borrowed from Norbert Elias but
with conclusions diametrically opposed to his), which included such features as
the sociogenesis of the state, administrative rationalization, state monopoly
over the means of coercion and violence, and drive controls. That is why Adorno
regarded Nazism as the expression of a barbarity "written into the very
principle of civilization.
The string of
developments that connect Nazism, two centuries later, to the modern prison
promoted by Bentham's "Panopticon" and to the guillotine first used
during the French Revolution can now be seen in a different light. Nazi
violence integrated and developed the paradigms that underlie those two
institutions of Western modernity.
In Principles of
Political Economy, Mill stressed that the West Indies were not countries in the
Western sense of the term, but "the place where England finds it
convenient to carry on the production of sugar, coffee, and a few other
tropical commodities." Alexis de Tocqueville, who certainly saluted the
aristocratic "pride" of the Indian tribes of America and deplored
their massacre, nevertheless declared that they "occupied" that
continent but did not "possess" it. They lived amid the riches of the
New World like temporary residents, as if Providence had afforded them no more
than a "short-term use" of it. Tocqueville went on to say that they
were simply there "waiting" to be replaced by the Europeans, the
legitimate proprietors of the land.' In his correspondence he suggested that
the westward expansion of the United States was a model for the colonization of
Algeria,' where "total domination" was the natural goal of the French
armies, in comparison to which the destruction of villages and the massacre of their
Arab populations were merely "regrettable necessities."
In The Origins of
Totalitarianism, a work published in 1951 but containing several texts written
during the war years, Hannah Arendt identified European imperialism as an
essential stage in the genesis of Nazism. The episodes of nineteenth century
colonial violence seemed to her to prefigure the crimes that were perpetrated a
century later against Europeans, particularly the Jews, who were the victims of
a genocide conceived as an operation of racial purging. In part 2 of her book,
titled "Imperialism," she described the nineteenth-century policies
of colonial domination as the first synthesis between massacre and
administration, a synthesis of which, in her view, the Nazi camps produced the
ultimate form. Modern racism (justified in the name of science) and bureaucracy
(the most perfect embodiment of Western rationality) originated separately but
evolved along parallel lines. They came together in Africa. The conquest of
this continent, achieved with modern weaponry and planned by the military and
civilian bureaucracy, revealed a hitherto unprecedented potential for violence.
When the European mob
discovered what a "lovely virtue" a white skin could be in Africa,
when the English conqueror in India became an administrator who no longer
believed in the universal validity of law, but was convinced of his own innate
capacity to rule and dominate, ... the stage seemed to be set for all possible
horrors. Lying under anybody's nose were many of the elements which, gathered
together, could create a totalitarian government on the basis of racism.
"Administrative massacres" were proposed by Indian bureaucrats, while
African officials declared that "no ethical considerations such as the
rights of man will be allowed to stand in the way" of the white rule.
The notion of
"living space" was not a Nazi invention. It was simply the German
version of a commonplace of European culture at the time of imperialism, in the
same way as Malthusianism was in Great Britain. The idea of a "living
space" inspired a policy of conquest and was invoked to justify the goals
of pan-Germanism. Meanwhile, Malthusian theories were regularly used to
legitimate famine in India-which some observers of the time accepted as "a
salutary cure for overpopulation."" The concept of "living space,"
as much as the "population principle," postulated a hierarchy in the
right to existence, which became the prerogative of the nations, or even
"races," that were dominant. The _expression "Lebensraum"
was coined in 1901, under Kaiser Wilhelm, by the German geographer Friedrich
Ratzel (1844-1904) and had become part of the vocabulary of German nationalism
well before the advent of Nazism. It resulted from the fusion of social
Darwinism and imperialist geopolitics, and stemmed from a vision of the extra-European
world as a space to be colonized by biologically superior groups. For Ratzel,
the "living space" was essential in order to reestablish a balance,
in Germany, between the industrial development, which was by now irreversible,
and agriculture, which was thereby threatened. In their colonies, the Germans
would reestablish harmonious relations with nature and preserve their vocation
as a people wedded to the land." Under the empire of Kaiser Wilhelm, the
idea of Lebensraum inspired a current of pan-Germanism and was the basis for a
widespread demand for a Weltpolitik, international policy, that would assign
Germany an international position comparable to that of France and Great
Britain. The expectation that this would be brought about by a policy of colonial
expansion in the East, in a world populated by Untermenschen,
was taken for granted by many nationalist Germans as early as the end of the
nineteenth century, when the notions of Mittelafrika
(central Africa) and Mitteleuropa (central Europe) started to be associated as
two indissociable aspects of German foreign policy. The symptoms of a vision of
the world such as this, which attributed "a civilizing mission" in
eastern Europe to the Germans, are easily detectable in the work not only of
Heinrich von Treitschke but also of the young Max Weber.
The Altdeutscher Verbund (Pan-German League), founded in 1893,
was the central dispenser of propaganda for this colonial project. By the end
of the nineteenth century, several of its representatives had elaborated plans
for a Germanization of the Slavic world, which in some cases implied
marginalizing, in others expelling "non-Germanic" populations. Some
of these plans-for example those elaborated in the geographer Paul Langhans's
Ein Pangermanistisches Deutschland (1905) were linked
to legal measures of racist if not eugenic inspiration (prohibiting mixed
marriages, enforcing sterilization) that paved the way for the Nuremberg Laws
of 1935. During World War I, all the necessary conditions for beginning toapply these pan-German programs seemed to be in place.
In the early
twenties, the volkisch writer Hans Grimm produced a
novel titled Volk ohne Raum (A People Without Space),
which popularized the idea of "living space" and was extremely
successful. In his novel, Grimm, who would join the German National Socialist
Workers Party in 1930, recounted the tale of Freibott,
a German who had traveled to German West Africa and who, having helped to
repress a native revolt, remade his life far from all industrialized towns, in
contact with a still uncontaminated nature that was a replacement for the
German forests that were already surrounded by factory chimneys and criss-crossed by motorways. Needless to say, the corollary
to this Germanic paradise in South-West Africa was the strictest racial
segregation. In 1920, the last German governor in Africa, Heinrich Schnee,
organized the production of an ambitious Deutsches Koloniallexicon (German Colonial Lexicon) in three volumes,
to which he contributed an article entitled "Verkafferung"
("Kaffirization"), meaning "the regression
of Europeans to the cultural level of a native" ("kaffir" being
a disparaging term for a black African). In order to prevent such degeneration
as a result of life in the bush, contact with colored peoples, and, above all,
sexual relations with the indigenous population-which would inevitably lead to
diminished intelligence and lower productivity-Schnee advocated a regime of
racial segregation.
The Nuremberg Laws of
the Nazis shocked the Europe of the 1930’s because they were directed edge the
right of the White American to destroy the red man but perhaps give him credit
for having acted as the instrument of Providence in carrying out and promoting
the law of destruction" (note "red man" in lowercase letters and
"White American" in upper case). Bendyshe
then added some general remarks relating to the American experience: "Some
morbid philanthropists, who have formed associations for the preservation of
these races, attribute their extinction to the aggression by fire and sword
inflicted upon them by the settlers, and the deadly diseases that the latter
introduce. Although to some extent this may be the case, it simply confirms the
effects of a more powerful law that dictates the inferior race will eventually
be swallowed up by the superior."" Alfred Russel Wallace, along with
Darwin the founder of the idea of natural selection, also contributed to the
debate. He reaffirmed the same law of "the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life," the
inevitable consequence of which is "the extinction of all those low and
mentally undeveloped populations with which Europeans come into contact."
27 As he saw it, this law explained the disappearance of the Indians in North
America and Brazil and of the Tasmanians, Maoris, and
other indigenous populations in Australia and New Zealand. He went on to
produce a biological justification of imperialism:
Wallace was to
develop his ideas on the extinction of inferior races in a chapter of his
Natural Selection (1870), in which he even predicted the conclusion of the
process in a distant but foreseeable future, when "the world is again in¬habited by a single, nearly homogeneous race."'
The British
anthropologist Benjamin Kidd declared in Social Evolution, one of the most
widely diffused late-nineteenth century summaries of social Darwinism, that it
was utterly pointless for the white man to demonstrate his philanthropic
virtues and his Christian ethics, since it was despite himself, thanks to an
anthropological and historical law as inevitable as it was pitiless, that he
was causing the end of the "savage peoples": "Whenever a
superior race comes into close contact and competition with an inferior race,
the result seems to be much the same," whether reached "by the rude
methods of wars and conquest (or] the subtle, though no less efficient, methods
with which science makes us acquainted."So no
purpose was served by attempts to elucidate the causes of "the
extinction" (machine guns or diseases). Needless to say, the discourse of
the British naturalists was matched by their colleagues in France, where social
Darwinism exerted considerable influence on the development of anthropology. In
1888, Edmond Perrier wrote:
Human races owe their
spread on earth to their superiority. Just as animals disappear before the
advance of man, this privileged being, so too the savage is wiped out before
the European, before civilization ever takes hold of him. However regrettable
this may be from a moral point of view, civilization seems to have spread
throughout the world far more by dint of destroying the barbarians than by
subjecting them to its laws."
It was Tasmania, the
smallest of the Australian islands, that, toward the end of the nineteenth
century, focused the fantasies of the imperialist culture. Edifying proof of
this is provided by a book called The Last of the Tasmanians, in which James Bonwick, a sort of Bartolomeo de Las Casas of the Victorian
age, recorded the various versions of the apology for genocide purveyed by the
colonial press and literature of the time.The
demographic decline of populations brought about by the arrival of the colonists,
with all their unknown viruses and infections (smallpox, measles, malaria,
venereal diseases) the effect of which was to propagate epidemics and cause
sterility, was inevitably interpreted by Western observers as confirmation of
selectionist theories. An abundant literature in the main European languages
set about introducing scientific categories for codifying the law of "the
fatal impact" of civilization upon "savages." It was without
doubt a "demographic law" that M. Marestang
was attempting to prove in the Revue scientifzque in
1892: "All inferior peoples put in contact with a superior people are
fatally condemned to perish." In I909, E. Caillot
was writing along the same lines in a work entitled Les Polynesiens
orientaux au contact de la civilisation:
When a people has
remained stationary for so long, all hope of seeing it advance must be
abandoned. It is bound to be classified among the inferior nations and, like
these, is condemned to die out or be absorbed by a superior race.... That is
the implacable law of nature against which nothing can prevail, as has
repeatedly been established by history: the stronger devours the weaker. The
Polynesian race did not manage to scale the rungs of the ladder of progress, it
has added not the slightest contribution to the efforts that humanity has made
to improve its lot.
The writings of
Darwin are not altogether free of Eurocentric features of this kind, and there
can be no doubt that, right from the first, Origins of Species (1859) was
regarded as the decisive scientific justification for imperialistic practices.
It is now generally accepted that Darwin cannot be considered responsible for
social Darwinism because of the affiliation that its representatives claim,
using terms that are in many cases exaggerated or even distorting. However, to
postulate a total separation between the two would be equally false. Despite
its rejection of polygenicist theories of the origin
of the species, the Darwinian view of the extra-European world was, as Andre
Pichot puts it, a singular, basically very Victorian mixture of "the
morality of the catechism" and "an utterly soulless colonialist racism.
Darwin always shared
his own age's dominant view of "inferior races," which were regarded
as "living fossils," vestiges of a past destined to disappear as
civilization progressed. In his "Notebook E" we find a passage dated December
1838 that would not have been out of place in Mein Kampf "When two races
of men meet, they act precisely like two species of animals-they fight, eat
each other, bring diseases to each other, but then comes the most deadly
struggle, namely which have the best fitted organization, or instincts (ie. intellect, in man) to gain the day. The following year,
he noted in his diary "a mysterious factor: wherever the European settles,
death seems to persecute the aborigine."" This is a reference to a
Western stereotype that Darwin did not invent but that he did not manage to
avoid and that recurs constantly in those of his works that preceded the
elaboration of his theory of natural selection. The theory, however, then
enabled him to convert that "mysterious factor" to which he had
alluded in 1839 into a veritable scientific law. In The Descent of Man (1871),
he described the death of the natives of the British colonies as the inevitable
consequence of the impact of civilization, which he took to be confirmation of
his theory of natural selection. In short, he had no hesitation in applying the
latter to a social phenomenon, thereby introducing a biologization
of history and sanctioning the popularization of social Darwinism. Darwin
meditated upon "the struggle between civilized nations and barbarian
peoples," comparing the extinction of the "savage races" to that
of the fossil horse, which the Spanish horse replaced in South America. His
argument continues as follows: "The New Zealander seems conscious of this
parallelism, for he compares his future fate with that of the native rat, now
almost exterminated by the European rat.
In a note in which he
quotes the naturalist Poepping, he describes "the breath of civilization
as poisonous to savages." A few years after the publication of The Descent
of Man, the Austrian social Darwinist Ludwig Gumplowicz,
for whom politics was simply an "applied science," abandoned the
metaphors of his master and explained more precisely how it was that
civilization revealed itself to be "poison" to "savages."
He reminded the reader that the Boers considered "the men of the jungle
and the Hottentots" to be "creatures" (Geschopfe)
that it was permissible to exterminate as game (die man wie
das Wild des Waldes ausrotten darf).
At the turn of the
century, social Darwinism, eugenics, and theories of natural selection were to
flourish particularly vigorously in America, where they were used to justify
the genocide of the Indians and the rise of the United States as a major power on
the international stage. In 1893 the historian Frederick Jackson Turner
delivered his famous lecture on the significance of the frontier in American
history. In it, he used the frontier, the source of two essential principles of
the American nation, democracy and individualism, as a metaphor for progress,
"the meeting point between savagery sented the
limes or boundary of pi ward it wiped out backward in wild man must cease to
exist. Tij cist J. K. Hosmer interpreted the to the
rank of a major power as c mission of the Anglo-Saxon cultu
English language, and English principle features of the political, the human
One of the most
enthusiastic and convinced partisans of social Darwinism and white supremacy
was the president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, who in The Winning
of the West wrote that he considered the Anglo-Saxons to be a branch of the
Nordic race and interpreted the conquest of the American West as a prolongation
of the expansion of the Germanic tribes, celebrating it as "the crowning
achievement of this powerful history of racial development." 46 In the
wake of Francis Galton and his work Hereditary Genius, Madison Grant proceeded
to move beyond social Darwinism and adopt a biological determinism in which
"natural selection" was to be replaced by an "artificial
selection" of races. According to Grant, the destruction of the Indians
had pointed the way, by showing that an effective policy for the elimination of
the weak, those unsuited to civilization, and "degenerates" would
eventually make it possible to "clear out the undesirables who fill our
prisons, hospitals, and psychiatric asylums."
But in
nineteenth-century Western imaginary representations, it was Africa that became
the favorite screen for the projection of colonial fantasies. Africa was a
continent conquered but still strange and mysterious, totally exotic, the
exploration of which was felt to be and was represented as a descent into
meeting point between savagery and civilization.
J. K. Hosmer
interpreted the accession of the United States to the rank of a major power as
confirmation of the civilizing mission of the Anglo-Saxon culture:
"English institutions, the English language, and English thought should
become the principle features of the political, social, and intellectual life
of the human race." His colleague Josiah Strong announced a new era, that
of "a final competition between the races," the natural consequence
of which would be American hegemony." One of the most enthusiastic and
convinced partisans of social Darwinism and white supremacy was the president
of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, who in The Winning of the West wrote
that he considered the Anglo-Saxons to be a branch of the Nordic race and
interpreted the conquest of the American West as a prolongation of the
expansion of the Germanic tribes, celebrating it as "the crowning
achievement of this powerful history of racial development."
In the wake of
Francis Galton and his work Hereditary Genius, Madison Grant proceeded to move
beyond social Darwinism and adopt a biological determinism in which
"natural selection" was to be replaced by an "artificial
selection" of races. According to Grant, the destruction of the Indians
had pointed the way, by showing that an effective policy for the elimination of
the weak, those unsuited to civilization, and "degenerates" would
eventually make it possible to "clear out the undesirables who fill our
prisons, hospitals, and psychiatric asylum.
But in
nineteenth-century Western imaginary representations, it was Africa that became
the favorite screen for the projection of colonial fantasies. Africa was a
continent conquered but still strange and mysterious, totally exotic, the
exploration of which was felt to be and was represented as a descent into
"the darkness of the earliest times." As such it attracted the
attention of writers, scholars, missionaries, adventurers ... It provided an
ideal mirror for the world that the West had "invented": a continent
that, unlike India-which polarized the attention of a European culture obsessed
by the Aryan myth was quite naturally perceived as the refuge of primitive and
savage humanity. The place attributed to the Africans in the racial typology
established by Paul Broca, the founder of the Societe Anthropologique
de Paris, is by now well known." But it will perhaps be helpful to record
the view expressed in the works of the British anthropologist William Winwood
Reade, an explorer and great traveler now remembered for his lengthy
correspondence with Darwin, for whom he provided extensive material for The
Descent of Man.
In 1863, Reade
published Savage Africa, a long account of his travels brimming with
geographical and ethnological data, descriptions of tropical forests and vast
lakes, and also careful observations on local mores, rounded off by a chapter
devoted to the "redemption" of this continent. After declaring that,
faced with populations lacking both written language and any kind of culture,
slavery was "a necessity," Reade predicted the future that awaited
the continent, following a long period of French and British
colonization." Under the rule of these colonial powers, the Africans would
transform their continent into a kind of garden, building towns in the depths
of the forests and irrigating the deserts. After completing their task of
inoculating this "elixir vitae into the veins of their mother" and
restoring her "immortal beauty," the Africans would be able to depart
from the historical stage. Reade's conclusion ran as follows: "In this
amiable task they may possibly become exterminated. We must learn to look on
this result with composure. It illustrates the beneficent law of nature, that
the weak must be devoured by the strong." Reade described this
extermination in typically British understated and sober terms, which in his
final pages even took on bucolic and nostalgic overtones. His book ends with a
touching portrait that is worth recording: young girls seated on the banks of
the Niger, described as a river as romantic as the Rhine, tearfully read a
story entitled "The Last of the Negroes."
This huge debate on
"the extinction of inferior races," which were described sometimes as
"declining," sometimes as "dying," and were inevitably
condemned to make way for Western civilization, continued throughout the second
half of the nineteenth century. Analyzed retrospectively, it emerges as an
extraordinarily rich arsenal of racial stereotypes-formulated in the language
of science, morality, and the philosophy of history-that was part of the
culture of imperialist and colonialist Europe. Far more than that, though, it
illustrates the attempts to rationalize and provide ideological legitimation
for a vast project of conquest and genocide." Far from being the terrain
of scholarly debates, concepts such as these deeply pervaded the political
language of the period. In 1898, the British prime minister, Lord Salisbury,
divided the world into two categories, "living nations and dying
nations," and two years later Kaiser Wilhelm II delivered a
passionate speech in which he urged the German soldiers sent to China to
repress the Boxer revolt to exterminate the Boxers with all the violence shown
by the Huns led by Attila. Such discourse, unimaginable in relation to a
European nation, reflected the practices commonly pursued by all the colonial
In 1904 the
repression of a revolt by the Hereros in what is now Namibia assumed the aspect
of a veritable genocide. General von Trotha, the
chief officer in command of the operation, proudly claimed responsibility for
issuing an "annihilation order" (Vernichtungsbefehl)
that became famous. The German authorities decided to take no prisoners among
the combatants and to do nothing for the remaining women and children. These
were simply moved away and abandoned in the desert. The Herero population,
which in 1904 had numbered about 80,000 people, had been reduced to fewer than
20,000 one year later. Similar methods were employed to put down the Hottentot
revolt and resulted in halving the population, from 20,000 to 10,000.
In the course
of the following years, General von Trotha was to
declare in several articles that the extermination of the Hereros had been a
"racial war" (Rassenkampf) waged against
peoples "in decline" (untergehende Volker)
or even "dying" (sterbende). He explained
that in this struggle, the Darwinian law of "the survival of the
fittest" proved to be a more pertinent guide than international law."
In the debates that took place in the Reichstag (German parliament) at the
time, the Nationalists loudly voiced their approval of the annihilation of the
"savages" and "beasts" revolting in Africa against colonial
rule, while the Socialists, though anxious to avoid mixed marriages in the
colonies, stigmatized such episodes of violence, which reduced the German
imperial army to "a level of bestiality worthy of its victims." Those
debates prove that notions such as "racial warfare,"
"extermination," and "subhumanity"
were widespread in Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm as a result of colonial
The Nazi war against
the USSR illustrates the historical links between the Hitlerian weltanschauung
and the European colonialism of the nineteenth century. The German blitzkrieg
of 1941 condensed all the aims of the Nazis, among which the desire to eliminate
the USSR and Communism was indissociable from the acquisition of Lebensraum, a
"living space" for Germany in eastern Europe. The Nazi General Plan
Ost (General Plan for the East), developed cooperatively by several research
centers using the services of numerous geographers, economists, demographers,
and specialists in the "racial sciences," envisaged the German
colonization of the territories extending all the way from Leningrad to the
Crimea. A few alterations were made to this plan after the beginning of the
blitzkrieg against the USSR and before the collapse of the Wehrmacht in 1943,
but its major objectives remained clearly defined. The first stage involved
evacuating-through the deportment or elimination of about 30 million to 40
million "racially undesiable" (rassisch unerwunscht) Slavs; over
the next thirty or so years, about 10 million Germans and ethnic Germans
(Volksdeutsche, Deutsclistdmmige) were gradually to
be installed, to colonize the conquered territories and rule over the Slavs,
who would be reduced to slavery (Heloten). The
extermination of "races" judged to be harmful, such as the Jews and
the Gypsies, was part of the overall plan and was to be completed during the
conflict." In November I94I, during the German offensive against the USSR,
Goring, in the course of conversations with the Italian minister of foreign
affairs, Galeazzo Ciano, said that he foresaw that 30 million Soviet citizens
would be affected by famine in the course of the following year.
The non-European
space was only semi-civilized and the object of conquest by Europeans became
empires, thanks to their colonies and its laws.
encouraged the spread of European settlers throughout the globe and especially
the conquest of Africa, wherein the mission to civilize through progress
presupposed its other, the primitive, dark-skinned savage whose bleak future
Darwinism and eugenics foreordained. The extinction of inferior races, as much
the result of administrative rationality as spontaneity, received its
justification in the view that the savages would soon depart the earth as a
matter of course, unable to adapt to a superior civilization and undeserving of
normative ethical considerations. The belief that expansion would alleviate
overpopulation, a crucial element in empire building, was not unique to Nazism.
Moreover, imperialism introduced another ingredient to the Western exercise of
power, conquest, ethnic cleansing, and extermination as the route to
Finally, the mass
conscripted armies of proletarianized soldiers, interventionist economies, and
anonymous death of World War I derived from industrial and disciplinary
techniques already in place and from imperialist practices: total war, that is,
the elimination of the distinction between combatant and civilian, the
racialized demonization of the enemy, concentration camps, and genocide. Yet
the consequences of the war, particularly the Bolshevik Revolution,
crystallized into the moment when Nazism came to the fore. In addition to
creating a climate that spawned a recognizably fascist philosophy of death in
which warfare and extermination became ends in themselves, the war's aftermath
witnessed a populist counter-revolution, most powerfully expressed in Nazism,
which co-mingled anti-Bolshevism, anti-Semitism, radical nationalism, and
imperial expansion.
However one should
stress the uniqueness of Nazism even as he analyzes its Western roots (for this
see our article series “Hitler’s Protocols”), one could indeed ad that Nazi
Lebensraum took inspiration from British imperialism and the brutality of white
settlers against Native Americans. Or as Traverso recently argued in “The
Origins of Nazi Violence” (2002/2003), imperialism was the real model for Nazi
violence, not Bolshevism. The fusion of anti-Bolshevism and anti-Semitism that
followed World War I occurred with special vigor in Germany, which, to a degree
not previously seen, biologized both.
Despite the
prevalence of anti-Jewish hatred in the West, only the Nazis joined the
crusading spirit of Christian anti-Judaism with a biologically extreme
anti-Semitism to produce mass murder on an unprecedented scale. Unlike previous
colonial racism, the Nazi regime did not see the Jew as too primitive to avoid
extinction, but rather as the enemy of civilization that it had to actively
eradicate with every available technological, bureaucratic, and military means.
The Nazi regime
sought not merely to conquer territories but to Germanize them in a synthesized
version of nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism, and imperialism, all of which
existed elsewhere in Europe but never entered into such a toxic combination.
So rather than
understand Nazism as simply an _expression of modern bureaucratic and
scientific rationality, the bond between anti-Semitism and anti-Bolshevism
highlights the moment at which a centuries-old hatred became genocidal.
Traverso however is
not successful in explaining why fascism at its most virulently racist emerged
in Germany rather than elsewhere, something we have done in “Hitler’s
Eugenics, Traverso
notes, fell on especially fertile soil in Germany, yet his insistence that
eugenics was a Western preoccupation as well begs some elaboration as to how
Germany came to occupy a class by itself. If class racism helps to explain the
historical pedigree of Jewish Bolshevism, why then did the Third Reich seek to
redeem workers but destroy the Jews? Why did the Nazi regime pursue Lebensraum
in the east first, rather than the recovery and expansion of its overseas
empire when the German imperial imagination, which incorporated both Lebensraum
and Weltpolitik, set Germany apart from other European imperialist powers? Why,
finally, did National Socialism synthesize the worst aspects of Western
civilizations while other nations did not?
How in fact Globalisation trends facilitated the construction of
differences within societics (highlichted
further in our next series “Revenge of History”. For example the first
Genocidal Regime apart from the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, provides the
study of Portugal' s 16th century colonial experience which covered the
vastness of Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America.
Calculating the exact
number of victims that were ultimately brutalized andlor
killed during the Portuguese conquistas is an
obstacle that is impossible to accurately resolve. Highlighting the global and
genocidal trends facilitates future studies on globalization and genocide and
reminds us of the impending dangers of globalization ron
What the Native
American Genocide concerns, the U.S. expansion westward indeed intensified
after the development of globalizing technologies in the 1800. These
globalizing technologies added to the U.S. canal system (Steamboat), railway
system (Locomotive). and, eventually, the telegraph line system (tele graph)
which helped generate the movement of people and ideas westward.
These globalizing
technologies not only decreased time, shipping costs, and increased contact,
but also rearranged human relations and accelerated the move towards a more industriaIized society. The removal of indigenous
populations westward was a result of these globalizing technologies as U.S.
expansion necessitated. Thus, as indigenous populations were splintered, the
U:S. was strengthening its position as a nation-state.
GlobaIizing technologies served to intensify relations among
Anglo-Americans and indigenous populations. The 1820s and 1830s witnessed the economie and technological transformations that historians
have coined the "market economy" and "Industrial
Revolution," respectively. The right to compete for advancement in the
marketplace became the touchstone of Ameriean
“freedom" during this period.
Thus, along with the
"destination discourse" that had been developing since 'first'
colonial contact and intensified during President Jackson's administration,
globalizing technologies helped to solidify the makings of an American regime
which was born of competition, difference, and expansionist determination
within the North American continent.
The massacres against
indigenous populations coincided with these changes as these technological
advancements were interpreted by Anglo-Americans, specifically the northern
middle-class, as a mark of a movement that had been sparked by divinity.
These industrial
changes thus had the effect of 'branding' a society informally and formally
with shared cultural and commercial symbols which marked it clearly and
distinguished it from others" This proved dangerous for groups in the
D.S., namely the indigenous and African populations, who did not have access to
these globalizing technologies to circulate their concerns about the horrors
inflicted upon them. Thus, by monopolizing and manipulating these globalizing
technologies, President Jackson, John L. Sullivan, and other writers of
propaganda were able to mobilize Anglo-Americans by framing the indigenous and
African populations as obstacles to progress.
Thus industrial
change, colonial policies of expansion and conquest, and religious and economic
zeal, resulted in genocide in North America. The conditions of indigenous
populations was largely ignored since their idea of freedom... which centered
on preserving their cultural and political autonomy and retaining control of
ancestral lands, was incompatible with that of western settlers, for whom
freedom entailed the right to expand across the continent and establish farms,
ranches, and mines on land that Indians considered their own.
The global and
genocidal nexus in the making of the D.S. demonstrates the similarities between
the genocidal activities of the Portuguese in Asia, and South America and the
colonists and political officials of the North American continent. Activities
of expansion have followed trends that were set by the Portuguese expeditions
in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Although the places of 'first
contact' were dissimilar.
Surprisingly, earlier
historians mentioned a "well-meant program" of the U.S., yet this doesn’t
explain official campaigns to destroy
The 1994 Rwandan
genocide finally changed the way in which we think genocide occurs because it
encompassed hatreds that rested on colonial resentments, revenge massacres
since 1962, assassinations of political elites, gender and reproduction, and
The 1994 Rwandan
genocide did not only lead to 800,000+ deaths, but shattered the future of
Rwanda as a nation-state that is able to compete in the global market system.
According to the CIA
2003 World Factbook, the genocide decimated Rwanda's fragile economic base,
severely impoverished the population, particularly women, and eroded the
country's ability to attract private and extern al investment.
However the 1994
Rwandan genocide was largely caused by the colonization of Rwanda by Germany
(1885-1918) and Belgium (1918-1962). The genocidal trends culminated with the
Rwandan were intensified by the Belgian colonial administration and the Roman
Catholic missionaries called "White Fathers" after 1918.
But the “White
Fathers” and the administration swiftly concluded, on flimsy evidence, that
Tutsis and Hutus were of completely separate ethnic origin and that Tutsis were
the Hutus' natural masters.
The consequence of
the establishment of differences between Hutus, Tutsis, and Twas
by German and Belgian colonists was not coincidental and is essential to
understanding the historical cleavages that existed between the ethnic groups.
That gIobalizing technologies were present and
intensified the atrocities committed against Tutsis and Hutu moderates before
and during the Rwandan genocide of 1994, specifically after Radio Television
Libre de Mille Collines (RTLM) deepened its messages of hatred towards Tutsis
soon after Presidents Habyarimana and Ntaryamira were
assassinated, shows that Rwanda must be carefully guarded as it is possible
that genocidal massacres could swiftly resume. That is, ethnic mistrust
and fear has been reinforced by memories f the
genocide, border raids, assassination of witnesses in trials, the return of
Tutsi and Hutu refugees from neighboring countries, false charges of genocide
stemming from competition for and, and the unrepresentative character of the
government, termed an 'ethnocracy' by some.
While preventing
genocide may seem impossible, what can be deduced from this discussion is that
the convergence of global and genocidal processes in a technologically advanced
world, where information and awareness should be readily available, has been slow
in producing policies that would be successful
In fact now, at the
start of the 21 th century genocide's effects in
relation to globalization should also examine the similar socio-historical
foundations that terrorism shares with genocide.
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